Na tarde de hoje o AJ tirou um tempinho pra responder algumas perguntas enviadas por fãs em mais um "twitter takeover". Dessa vez o perfil "invadido" foi o @BMGChrysalisUS.
Dentre as perguntas respondidas a gande maioria era sobre os temas das festas do próximo #bsbcruise2014. Em todas o nosso querido tatuado disse que os membros da banda já tem uma ideia do que querem como tema das festas, mas que também querem ouvir os fãs e cruisers antes da escolha.
Sobre o que o futuro guarda para os Backstreet Boys ele mencionou a turnê e o cruzeiro e... só Deus sabe... E falando em cruzeiro, sobre a possibilidade de um em 2015 ou 2016 ele nem confirmou e nem negou, disse apenas que espera que tenha porque é uma das coisas que ele mais gosta de fazer.
Conselho pros papais de primeira viagem? Sempre! "Aproveitem cada momento, eles crescem rápido demais". E pros noivos? Tem também! "Não se estressem! Vai ser um dos melhores dias da sua vida! Tenha um excelente dia!"
As perguntas básicas como "qual sua comida favorita?", "qual país você mais gosta de visistar?", "o que você mais sente falta quando está em turnê?" claro que não faltaram!
Ah! Ele também falou sobre o #BSBTheMovie, quer dizer, não falou, porque quando perguntado sobre os motivos da demora no lançamento do documentário a resposta foi "21 anos de história, leva tempo pra se chegar à perfeição."
Abaixo as perguntas e respostas:
1) #BSBBMGTakeover can u reveal any cruise themes yet? (via @sexykelz86)
A: .@Sexykelz86 Not yet, but sooner than you think ;) #BSBBMGTakeover
2) @BMGChrysalisUS @skulleeroz What themes would you like to see on the cruise? #BSBBMGTakeover (via @mrsdondero)
A: .@mrsdondero the wilder the better!!! #BSBBMGTakeover
3) @BMGChrysalisUS @skulleeroz I work with young dad's. Many of them new dads. What's one piece of advice you would give them? #BSBBMGTakeover (via @sunnygirl20)
A: .@sunnygirl20 treasure every moment, they grow up wayyy too fast #BSBBMGTakeover
4) Where and how you'll see in 20 years? In a @backstreetboys tour again? #BSBBMGtakeover (via @crazee4gdv)
A: .@CRaZee4GDV @backstreetboys absolutely. you know what we say. as long as there'll be music... #BSBBMGTakeover
5) @backstreetboys @skulleeroz @BMGChrysalisUS Best part of the tour so far? #BSBBMGTakeOver (via @jhie0730)
A: .@Jhie0730 @backstreetboys @skulleeroz everything. seeing you guys!! #BSBBMGTakeover
6) @skulleeroz @BMGChrysalisUS AJ, can we PLEASE have the @Spynkter reunion on the cruise? #BSBBMGTakeOver (via @princess_karah)
A: .@Princess_Karah @skulleeroz @Spynkter haha this may have to happen!! would you guys want it?? #BSBBMGTakeover
7) what do you miss most when you're touring? #BSBBMGTakeover (via @newyorkerniall)
A: .@newyorkernialI my own bed!! #BSBBMGTakeover
8) @BMGChrysalisUS @skulleeroz what is your favorite place in the world to visit and why? #BSBBMGTakeover (via @agnes_hedlund)
A: .@Agnes_Hedlund @skulleeroz tough one. so many beautiful people & countries!! #BSBBMGTakeover
9) @BMGChrysalisUS @skulleeroz do you guys have any ideas for the cruise themes?? #BSBBMGTakeover (via @yuri373)
A: .@yuri373 @skulleeroz we do, but wanna hear what you guys want!! what cruise themes do you want? #BSBBMGTakeover
10) @BMGChrysalisUS you had a big wedding. wedding day advice? #BSBBMGTakeover (via @elizalouisebell)
A: .@elizalouisebell don't stress. it's going to be one of the best days of your life. have a great one!! #BSBBMGTakeover
11) @BSBgirl17: @BMGChrysalisUS how does it feel to bring such happiness into peoples lives with music? #BSBBMGTakeover xxx (via @bsbgirl17)
A: .@BSBgirl17 how does it feel to bring happiness into our lives?? #BackstreetArmy is the best!! #BSBBMGTakeover
12) @BMGChrysalisUS @skulleeroz for someone who struggles with how they look, what advice would you give them? #BSBBMGTakeover (via @etownmelly)
A: .@ETownMelly @skulleeroz confidence is the sexiest thing ;) #BSBBMGTakeover
13) @BMGChrysalisUS @skulleeroz What inspires you? Just in general. .. #BSBBMGTakeover (via @ blu3y3dballa)
A: .@Blu3y3dBalla @skulleeroz my family and you guys. hell you guys are my family!! #BSBBMGTakeover
14) @skulleeroz @BMGChrysalisUS whats next for bsb? #BSBBMGTakeover (via @denisse_chicago)
A: .@denisse_chicago @skulleeroz summer shows and the cruise! Then... who knows ;) #BSBBMGTakeover
15) @BMGChrysalisUS What do you think about fans who gets BSB tattoos? That's some dedication!! #BSBBMGTakeover (via @katju1988)
A: .@katju1988 you know I love me some tattoos. it's amazing. #BSBBMGTakeover
16) @BMGChrysalisUS @skulleeroz do u have any ideas for the themes on the cruise? #BSBBMGTakeover (via @FBteam)
A: .@FBTeam @skulleeroz a few. what would you want to see? #BSBBMGTakeover
17) @BMGChrysalisUS @skulleeroz Why does the BSB documentary takes longer than the making of Titanic? :P #BSBBMGTakeover (via @miry_iam)
A: .@Miry_iam @skulleeroz 21 years baby, perfection takes time!! #BSBBMGTakeover
18) @BMGChrysalisUS @skulleeroz any advice for someone who's going through a though time? #BSBBMGTakeover (via @agnes_headlund)
A: .@Agnes_Hedlund @skulleeroz stay strong. you're not alone!! love ya #BSBBMGTakeover
19) @BMGChrysalisUS what's your favourite food and why? #BSBBMGTakeover (via @claricemoxon)
A: .@ClariceMoxon don't make me choose! #BSBBMGTakeover
20) @BMGChrysalisUS @skulleeroz #BSBBMGTakeover any chance they'll be a cruise 2015 or 16 ? Would be great as a HS GRAD PRESENT (via @oceguerabsb)
A: .@oceguerabsb @skulleeroz hope so!! the cruise is one of my favorite things!! #BSBBMGTakeover
Um comentário:
21 anos tem muita história,sim,mas pra que atiçaram se iam demorar,pragas??? rssrs AJ falando como homem maduro,mDS rs
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